Our Projects


The Aim of our Projects


By increasing awareness, confidence and general life skills it is envisioned that students will be better equipped to go on and play an active role in society and give support to not only themselves and their families but also by using their skills they will assist with improving in the infrastructure and skills base available in the job market.


Our projects are set out in 4 phases:


1. Sustainability – in order to ensure sustainability and longevity post project implementation, we ensure our projects can be supported locally and that a budget is available for continuous development. This is achieved by taking an existing facility where teachers’ salaries are already supported by the Local District Authority and the provision by MAD4Africa of an income generation Project where profits are given to the Vocational Training Centre to help with running costs and future development.


2. Provision of tools, equipment and furniture – this phase ensures that students have the best opportunity to learn with good equipment and in relative comfort rather than sharing desks and tools.


3. Increase capacity – due to a grave lack of vocational skills training places and a large deficit on the number of skilled workers to help with the ongoing development of Rwanda, it is essential that more places are made available. MAD4Africa renovate existing buildings to bring them up to specification and build new classrooms thus expanding the number of places available


4. Provide job opportunities – our aim is to ensure that the training provided doesn’t just end with a qualification. MAD4Africa provide start-up costs and registered Workers Co-operatives where there is sufficient need for that particular discipline within the local community. This allows students to earn an income using their newly acquired skills.




UK Charity Commission Registration number 1127976 - Registered address 57 Sunnyside Road, Leyton, London E10 7BB